During times like these, it can be good to take a step back and appreciate the little things in life. Items such as buttons play an integral part in people’s lives without them even realizing.

Buttons are of much greater importance than many may realize. Beyond the obvious necessary purpose they’ve been used for, they’ve also served as ornamentation for people of all classes for centuries. They’ve even been used to commemorate the inauguration of George Washington. In addition, they’ve also been used as everything from mini compasses to hidden compartments for smugglers to use.

On top of their more lavish uses, we often overlook just how important their practical use is. Buttons hold everything together. Without them, many shirts, pants, and everything in between would lose all basic function. It could easily be said that buttons are the most important part of the wardrobe. Rather than drawing the attention, they are the glue that binds everything into cohesion. It’s often hard to see what they do, but the knowledge that they’re there provides confidence that the odds of a serious wardrobe malfunction are as small as they can be.

While this topic almost certainly comes across extremely random, we promise that there’s a purpose for drawing your attention towards buttons. Be sure to stay tuned to our website and social media outlets in the coming months for some big announcements.