Just like everything else in the world since March, this autumn’s edition of New York Fashion Week was unlike any that have come before. Rather than the usual setting of hundreds of fashion luminaries in a centralized area, most designers found themselves posting their collections in various spots online. While everything else at the event changed greatly, one thing that hasn’t changed is eyes all across the country paying attention to what is being unveiled.

One of the big reveals from this edition of NYFW was the Fashion Our Future collection. This is a small series of items designed by three women fashion designers, with an emphasis on the importance of voting in the upcoming election. The usual suspects also debuted new editions of their typical styles, with some adding quarantine inspired twists.

While it’s easy to be enamored by the flashy presentation and name recognition of all the new items being brought out during these events, it’s just as easy to become dissuaded by the ridiculous prices attached to many of these items. However, even if you’re unable to meet the financial demands of the newest designs, there are still a multitude of options to revamp your wardrobe. Careful browsing of your local thrift stores can often yield surprising hauls. As retro designs continue their massive popularity, you can often find truly vintage items in good condition at heavily discounted prices at stores like Goodwill. Along with this, it’s also not uncommon to find new, name brand items for a fraction of retail price. Alternatively, websites like Poshmark and Mercari have plenty of deals on new clothing and other goods to be found. These sites are a bit more mixed in terms of prices, but still have a good deal of affordable items.

In this time it’s harder than ever for most people to afford the styles they see on runways. The past year has hurt the expendable income of families all around the country. Because of this, thrift stores and various online outlets that provide second hand options have exploded. If there’s an expensive item that catches your eye, try checking some of these sources for similar things. If you can’t find exactly what you’re looking for, odds are you’ll be able to find something remarkably similar.