As we approach the nine month mark of COVID lockdowns, we’re also nearing another major period of severely altered holiday celebrations. Having already gone through Easter, 4th of July, Halloween, and Thanksgiving, it seems like it should be easier and easier to adjust to how holidays have to operate in 2020. But even after all that, altering or striking Christmas traditions is a hard thing to do for many. This can be especially hard when it comes to charity in this season. Many face-to-face options have had their operations severely limited due to safety measures, with many more having little to no option for in person programs. Thankfully, in the age of the internet, there are more ways than ever to donate and volunteer.

One of the simplest ways to donate is simply to shop. If you choose to buy Christmas gifts or anything else off of Amazon, use instead of your default URL to pick a charity to send a portion of your sale to. Every product bought through Smile will send 0.5% of the price to a charity of your choice. You can even find us on there! While this may not seem like a significant donation, it’s still a way to give something without having to spend extra.

Another good way to give is using apps like Charity Miles. Charity Miles lets you accrue money for miles that you walk, run, or bike. You can pick a national charity, and as you travel, money will be given to them on your behalf. The Balance has a helpful article to find more apps like this.

Of course, all of these are ways to give small amounts while doing things you already do. If you have the ability to and are willing to, we have a PayPal page where you can donate to the work we do here. Alongside of this, please consider donating to other charities, locally, nationally, and internationally. One that is recommended to give to, especially during a time like this, is World Central Kitchen, who are providing meals, training, and aid to areas hit by hunger. Always make sure to do the research and find reputable charities before you give. A simple search for the best charities will yield a wide array of results for who you should and shouldn’t give to.

As always, thank you for your continued support. Happy holidays to you all.